Parish Council Grants
The Council has discretionary powers to award grants to local groups or organisations in accordance with the Local Government Act 1972, Section 137.
The Council would like to provide grants that would be for the direct benefit of some or all of the residents of HOLLOWELL & TEETON.
To be considered for an award, applicants must answer all the questions on the application form and provide the necessary details as requested
Hollowell Steam and Heavy Horse Show
The Hollowell Steam and Heavy Horse Show is an annual event has been hosted just outside Hollowell since 1986, and attracts over 40,000 visitors each year.
The events raises funds for local charities, and has so far given away in excess of £1 million.

Village Link
The Village Link is a volunteer-run website provides the latest news and events for Hollowell and the surrounding villages, and produces a bi-monthly printed edition which is delivered to each house within the Parish.
'Hollowell Hens' and 'Men of Hollowell'
In place of our own local pub, two groups from the village meet socially on a regular basis, either in the Village Hall, or organised visits to local pubs and events. For details on the latest planned events and how to add yourself to the contact list, please visit Hollowell and Teeton News Facebook page. .
CPRE 2017 Litter Heroes Award
In the spring of 2017, a number of residents within the Parish took part in an organised litter picking campaign throughout the Parish as part of the CPRE Litter Heroes campaign.
A number of bags of litter were collected from various areas within Hollowell, Teeton and Highfield Park.
As a result, Hollowell and Teeton were judged to be a runner-up in the competition, and won a prize of £150 to be used for the benefit of the community over the coming year.

West Northamptonshire Council [Daventry] offers all new residents to the area a “Resident Welcome Pack”. The pack’s aim is to provide new residents in our district with useful information about the district.
Polling District, Places and Stations Review - Conclusion
In September 2017 an LGA Peer Review, looking at the finances and governance of the Northamptonshire County Council, reported that "Time is running out for Northamptonshire County Council". The report precipitated a chain of events that will ultimately see the abolition of the county council and all the borough and district councils in the county, and the creation of a new unitary structure.
On the 1 April 2021 two Unitary Authorities were established: North Northamptonshire covering the Wellingborough, Kettering, Corby, Rushden and Thrapston areas and West Northamptonshire covering the Daventry, Northampton, Towcester and Brackley areas.